Organizations Seeking Permanent Residence For Individuals Of Extraordinary Ability

Organizations seeking permanent residence for individuals of extraordinary ability can find the process to be extremely complex and time-consuming. Working with an experienced team of lawyers can streamline the process and increase the chances of success. When bringing someone into the country is critical to an organization’s long-term success, it is important to minimize the risks by working with an experienced legal team.

At Ware | Immigration, we bring more than 50 years of immigration experience to every case we handle. For our clients’ convenience, we have offices in New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as Florida, Seattle, Washington and Centennial. In addition to our attorneys’ experience, we have am abiding personal passion for our immigration work. Call 866-833-8308 to discuss your case with an experienced lawyer.

Qualifying For An EB-1 Visa For Individuals Of Extraordinary Ability

First preference, also known as an EB-1 visa, makes immigration simpler once obtained, but obtaining an EB-1 visa is no simple matter. Because it is intended for people of extraordinary ability, substantial validation is required to show that an applicant does possess extraordinary ability. Evidence can come in the form of a once-in-a-lifetime achievement like a Pulitzer Prize, or providing a number of proofs that include receipt of nationally or internationally recognized awards, published materials about the applicant in professional or major trade publications and authorship of scholarly work, to name a few.

The attorneys of Ware | Immigration can explain the steps involved in the process of obtaining an EB-1 visa for individuals of extraordinary ability and can help you determine whether a prospective applicant would be likely to qualify for the visa.

Contact Ware | Immigration

We invite you to call us at 866-833-8308 or to contact us online to schedule a consultation with an attorney at Ware | Immigration. Providing immigration solutions for educational institutions, scholars, faculty and staff since 1982.