Immigration For Outstanding Professors, Researchers And Other Individuals Of Extraordinary Ability

Most individuals seeking permanent residence in the United States have a considerable road ahead of them. However, working with a team of experienced immigration lawyers can streamline the process, wherever possible, and help you find the most efficient means for permanent residence in the United States.
At Ware | Immigration, we provide our clients with a wealth of immigration knowledge, backed by more than 50 years of legal experience and a commitment to providing personalized attention to our clients’ legal needs. We help academics, researchers and physicians obtain the immigration information needed to reach their goals. With offices in New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as in Colorado, Washington and Florida, we are a preeminent immigration firm in the southern part of the United States, helping clients throughout the world obtain entry into the country, secure permanent residence and to obtain full U.S. citizenship.
Attorneys from Ware | Immigration can help you with a range of options involving:

Personalized Service

Every individual seeking entry into the United States faces a different set of circumstances. Our lawyers can discuss your situation with you to help you determine the most appropriate method of coming to the U.S., and we will walk you through every step of the process to help you reach your goals.

Contact Ware | Immigration

Serving educational institutions, scholars, faculty and staff in the Gulf South and beyond, call 866-833-8308 or contact us online.