Those who were brought to the United States as children often face enormous struggles as they grow up. For many, it is difficult to be undocumented in the only home they have ever known. While many of the young adults in this situation in Louisiana applied for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, its uncertain future has some people unsure of what to do next or how to achieve permanent residency.
One such man was brought to the U.S. as a 2-year-old with a tourist visa. The family did not leave when the visa expired, though, leaving him in the precarious situation of being undocumented. He applied to DACA and ultimately went on to attend law school. While studying law, he met and fell in love with his future wife — a citizen — who he recently wed.
Now, though, their plans are uncertain. Hopes of traveling, buying a home and other long-term aspirations are on hold as the couple tries to figure out what moves they should take next. Although he apparently hopes to obtain a green card and achieve the status of permanent resident, it is unclear if this will happen any time soon.
Permanent residency is an important status that affords many rights to the individual. U.S. citizens can usually petition for a green card on their spouse’s behalf, but this process becomes complicated if that individual is already living as an undocumented immigrant in Louisiana. Because of this, accuracy in the filling out and submitting of documents is essential.