Some questions and answers in regards to the H-1B visa

One of the most common types of skilled worker visas that a non-immigrant person can attain when they legally enter the United States is the H-1B visa. As such, people have plenty of questions about this important visa. The H-1B visa is directly related to employment and having a specific skill in a specialized area.

H-1B visas are available to people who want to enter the U.S. on a temporary basis and for the purpose of applying their skills in a specialty occupation. Defining “specialty occupation” in this context is a bit difficult, even though it is integral to a person’s application for the H-1B visa. But, in general, these specialty occupations require a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree. Specialty occupations can include teachers, engineers and pharmacists.

In order to obtain an H-1B visa, you have to follow all of the proper steps and protocols, and you also need your employer to go about their steps and protocols correctly.

Once you have an H-1B visa, how long can you keep it? That’s a bit complicated too. You can hold your H-1B visa for a cumulative amount of six years — but you can’t have an H-1B visa for more than three years. In other words, you have to renew it based on the amount of time U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services awards for your H-1B visa.

These are just a few pieces of information on a grand topic that has many intricacies. So, if you are looking into an H-1B visa — which is a tremendous first step towards becoming a permanent resident, by the way — then you should consult with an experienced immigration attorney immediately.