When people seek asylum in Louisiana or other states throughout the country, they may be temporarily detained while their cases are processed. Immigrant advocates have been outspoken in their cries for reform, saying that asylees should not be held in detention. There have been many testimonies in this state and others from people who have spent time in immigration detention facilities that they claim are not habitable for humans.
A group of asylees in another state shared written testimony at a meeting where immigrant advocates appealed to county commissioners to vote against renewing the soon-to-be-expired contract with a specific immigration detention facility. At least one person claimed that Spanish-speaking guards at the facility pretend that they don’t, so they don’t have to answer questions or assist detainees. Several people testified that conditions at the facility are inhumane, including food that is rotten and bug-infested, as well as filthy drinking water, and that guards were physically abusive.
Immigrants in a detention facility are entitled to fresh air and sunshine
Another common complaint at the meeting with county commissioners was lack of sunshine and fresh air. Immigration officials are also accused of failing to provide adequate medical care to asylees in need. The current contract with the detention facility will expire in mid-May and many advocates have come forward to ask the county not to renew it.
Where can immigrants find support?
Louisiana asylees and other immigrants are entitled to clean clothing, edible food, clean surroundings, fresh air and medical care. There is no excuse for physical abuse or substandard living conditions. Any individual who is facing problems regarding unlawful behavior or unsafe or unhealthy conditions in an immigration detention facility may reach out to an experienced immigration law attorney for support.