Each U.S. visa has its own set of rules and issues connected to it. This includes the F-1 visa, the main student visa in the United States. When a person from a foreign country is pursuing an F-1 visa and its corresponding immigration status in connection to a desire to go to school in America, how they address the legal concerns particular to this pursuit can heavily impact their education and life goals. International students who have an interest in studying in the U.S can go to skilled immigration lawyers for guidance on such student visa issues.
How likely international students are to have an interest in studying in the U.S. can be impacted by many things. This includes major legal and political developments in the United States. It also includes such developments in other countries.
For example, the U.S. international study landscape could impacted by a major change that is occurring in the United Kingdom. This change is the Brexit, the U.K.’s upcoming exit from the European Union.
Survey and U.K. government data suggest that, as the Brexit is approaching, it has raised concerns among international students about studying in the United Kingdom. This includes concerns regarding immigration. It appears that these concerns are pushing some international students away from studying in the UK, and towards instead studying in other English-speaking countries, including the United States.
The U.K. has traditionally been a rather popular study location among international students. It currently is only behind the U.S. in such popularity. So, if interest in studying in the U.K. does in fact see a big drop in relation to the Brexit, it could have major reverberations in the U.S. and other major international student destinations as students disenchanted with the idea of going to school in the U.K look for alternatives.
So, it could be worth watching what such reverberations the U.S. sees as the Brexit draws nearer.
Source: USA Today, “After Brexit, foreign students flee UK universities for U.S., Canada and Australia,” Jane Onyanga-Omara, Oct. 15, 2017