What is the non-immigration student visa?

There are so many talented people out there, as well as plenty of people who simply want the opportunity to obtain a world-class education here in the United States. U.S. immigration laws have visas to deal with these situations, and one of these visas that we will talk about today is the non-immigration student visa.

The non-immigration student visa comes in two forms. The first is for people who are enrolled in academic institutions such as colleges and universities, academic high schools, seminaries and conservatories, language training programs and other educational programs. The other form of this visa is for people who are pursuing nonacademic or vocational studies. In either case, the person needs to show why he or she deserves this visa.

There are three key factors in this regard: acceptance, preparation, and finances.

  • Acceptance: The applicant must show that he or she has been accepted by a U.S. educational program, and then the U.S. government must confirm that the program complies with the visa being requested by the applicant.
  • Preparation: The applicant must show that he or she has completed all of the necessary course work or classes necessary to enroll in the educational program they are requesting (with exceptions based on English language training).
  • Finances: The applicant must prove that he or she has the financial means to participate in the educational program.

Even with these parameters carefully checked and completed, a non-immigration student visa applicant needs to be organized and prepared for the entire process that lies ahead.

Source: FindLaw, “Non-Immigrant Student Visas,” March 11, 2015