There were 214,700 homes damaged in the New Orleans area during Hurricane Katrina. It is said that one quarter of the reconstruction workforce following this storm in the New Orleans area was conducted by undocumented immigrants. These individuals assisted thousands of homeowners in the area under less than ideal circumstances.
When speaking of this role, we must not forget that undocumented workers play an important part in other segments of our economy as well. Undocumented workers play a major role in Louisiana’s agricultural, construction, seafood and hospitality sectors. At the same time, it’s difficult for these workers to become legal citizens of the U.S.
Our immigration law system is extremely complex and there are those in the legislature that feel comprehensive immigration reform is needed so that Americans can take advantage of the contributions immigrants can make. However, the process for passing immigration laws in the United States has been described as being piecemeal. It is feared that this approach will ultimately perpetuate rather than resolve our immigration problem.
Unfortunately, we cannot wait for Congress to act upon this matter. Experienced immigration attorneys can often provide immigrants with individualized attention concerning their citizenship needs.
Attorneys can help immigrants obtain temporary visas that will allow for them to work in the United States. These attorneys can also help members of family remain here as well. Finally, attorneys can often help all members of the family obtain their final goal of living legally within our borders as permanent residents without fear that any member of the family will be deported.
Source: Shreveport Times, “Nation needs comprehensive immigration reform legislation,” Sue Weishar, Nov. 13, 2013