U.S. will have thousands of new citizens over Constitution Week

We are in the midst of a week celebrating one of America’s most important documents, the Constitution. Constitution Week started last Friday and will continue on to this Friday. This document and the principles and framework it lays out have major impacts on the lives of all Americans, including new citizens.

Constitution Week will be seeing many individuals becoming new U.S. citizens and gaining the various rights that go along with being a full-fledged citizen. Naturalization ceremonies are occurring all over the country over the course of this week of observance. It is estimated that, in total, over 240 ceremonies will be held and over 38,000 people will become U.S. citizens during this year’s Constitution Week.

The naturalization ceremony is a very special and exciting time for a citizenship candidate. For many, it is the fulfillment of a long-time dream and the start of a brand new chapter in their lives. It is also typically the realization of something that they have been working incredibly hard for.

There is all matter of hard work that goes into pursuing citizenship through naturalization. This includes preparing for the naturalization test. It also includes navigating the various legal issues that go along with seeking to become a U.S. citizenship. These issues can get complicated.

An important thing to note is that citizenship candidates do not have to take on this hard work all by themselves. For one, experienced immigration lawyers can assist such candidates with legal matters related to the process of pursuing U.S. citizenship.

Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, “USCIS Celebrates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day with Federal Partners and Welcomes More Than 38,000 New Citizens during Constitution Week,” Sept. 16, 2016